Office Bearers

Board of Directors


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Mae Murphy


Our President leads our Board of Directors, the body that makes administrative decisions on behalf of the chorus members. She conducts all meetings for the chorus and represents the chorus at all regional activities.
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Audra Freeman


Our Treasurer handles all of the finances of the chorus including dues, contracts, invoices, fundraising etc. Any questions regarding financial items can be directed to the treasurer.
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Jenny Trautman


No photo available
Board Member:

Deidra Lies


Music Team


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Megan Argall


Our Director leads us in all musically related areas of our organization. She chooses the music repertoire and teaches us the skills to sing the art form of Barbershop harmony 4-part a capella music. She works with the Board of Directors and other committees to plan events and performances when the chorus will be performing.
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Performance Chair:

Audra Freeman


The Performance Chair is responsible for handling all performance requests. She will work with the Director, Music Team and chorus to ensure adequate attendance for all performances before accepting any performance requests. She will handle all the details of the performance and communicate those details to the chorus.
Baritone Section Leader:
Currently unfilled

Chorus Administration


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Membership Chair:

Linda Hohertz


This chairman oversees the membership committee of the chorus. Her duties would include making sure to welcome new members, contacting prospective members, making sure the information given to prospective members is correct and making sure new members are given their materials. She should inform the section leaders and costume chairmen of any new members or members that have left. She should form a committee to help her with these responsibilities.
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Marketing & PR:

Audra Freeman


No photo available

Linda Hohertz


This chairman is responsible for handling the publicity for the chorus. This can be publicity for acquiring new members and for performances.
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Chorus Contact:

Audra Freeman


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Audra Freeman


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