Musical Director

Megan Argall

Megan had been an associate director with Acapella Express for 6 years before stepping into the front line director shoes in the spring of 2018, and she was ready! Not only did she move up as director, but she has been recognized for her 20-year commitment to our organization. 

Megan got started in the chorus because her mom was a member. She auditioned at the age of 17...which meant breaking the rules because at that time, you had to be 18 to be a member! Her little girl self knew she wanted to be a music teacher when she grew up, so it seemed logical to be a part of a singing group!

Currently, she teaches vocal music at Mahnomen Public schools. Megan is a driving force in Acapella Express, having been a part of the music team for 18 years and serving 2 different 4 year terms on the Board of Directors. 

Ask Megan about the highlights of her 20 years as a member and she will tell you about how it felt to win a regional competition, compete on the International stage in Portland, OR, compete at IES (International Education Symposium) in San Antonio, TX, being a part of Fourte' Quartet, and completing the Director Certification Program.

Above all else are the many friendships she has made in both our chorus and around the region.
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